
Parking Charges

More than 3,000 parking spaces are available at Hong Kong International Airport across the carparks for hourly, daily and long-term use.

Private Cars

  Car Park 1 Car Park 4

First Hour : $35

Each hour thereafter: $50

Daily2 N/A $224




First 3 days3: $470

Each day thereafter: $224

Automated Payment
  • Octopus
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • UnionPay

All of our car parks feature an automated payment system where parking tickets are not issued upon entry. The licence plate recognition system automatically identifies the licence plate number of entering vehicles, allowing for contactless entry. Alternatively, drivers can use Octopus Card, Visa, MasterCard, or UnionPay Card to enter the car parks. Payment can be made at the exit using the same card used for entry. If receipts are required, please print them at the exits.

All car parks at the airport accept payments by Octopus Card, Visa, MasterCard, and UnionPay Card.

Motorcyclists and Disabled Person’s Parking Permit holders shall redeem the parking offer at the Customer Service Centre at the car park exit. Disabled Person’s Parking Permit holders can also pre-register their Octopus card in person at the Car Park 4 Customer Service Centre, and use the same Octopus card for entering and exiting the car park to enjoy the discount. Staff are stationed at each car park to provide assistance if necessary.

All rates in Hong Kong dollars.

Parking for part of an hour is charged as an hour.
Daily charge is not applicable to Car Park 1, in any 24-hour period, parking is charged at the hourly rate or the daily rate, whichever is less.
To enjoy the Long-term parking rate, your motor vehicles have to stay on the G/F to 5/F of the Car Park 4. Please note that the long term parking rate is not applicable to those motor vehicles parked on other levels of Car Park 4 or other car parks. Parking Fees after the 3-day long-term parking period shall be charged at hourly rate or, as the case may be, daily parking rate.
We offer disabled drivers a 50% discount on the listed parking fee. This offer is open to any holder of a Disabled Person’s Parking Permit issued by the Hong Kong Transport Department.
Light goods vehicles (LGVs) and taxis are prohibited from using Car Parks 1 and 4. Please click here for details.


  Car Park 1 Car Park 4
Hourly1 $8 $8
Daily2 N/A $56
Automated Payment
  • Octopus
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • UnionPay

All airport car parks have been converted to automated parking. Car park users are required to use your Octopus Card, Visa, MasterCard or UnionPay Card to enter the car parks and settle payment at the exits. Parking tickets will not be issued upon entry. If a receipt is required, please print it at the exits.

All car parks at the airport accept payments by Octopus Card, Visa, MasterCard, and UnionPay Card.

Motorcyclists and Disabled Person’s Parking Permit holders shall redeem the parking offer at the Customer Service Centre at the car park exit. Disabled Person’s Parking Permit holders can also pre-register their Octopus card in person at the Car Park 4 Customer Service Centre, and use the same Octopus card for entering and exiting the car park to enjoy the discount. Staff are stationed at each car park to provide assistance if necessary.

All rates in Hong Kong dollars.

Parking for part of an hour is charged as an hour.
Daily charge is not applicable to Car Park 1, in any 24-hour period, parking is charged at the hourly rate or the daily rate, whichever is less.
We offer disabled drivers a 50% discount on the listed parking fee. This offer is open to any holder of a Disabled Person’s Parking Permit issued by the Hong Kong Transport Department.
Light goods vehicles (LGVs) and taxis are prohibited from using Car Park 1 and 4. Please click here for details.

Urban & Lantau Taxis & Light Goods Vehicles

Urban and Lantau taxis as well as light goods vehicles (LGV) are prohibited from using Car Park 1 and 4. Instead, they must park at the dedicated Taxis & LGV Parking Areas (see map).

As the number of parking spaces in Urban & Lantau Taxi & LGV Parking Areas are is limited, please call +852 2183 4360 for real-time availability.

Urban & Lantau Taxi & LGV Parking Area charges ( HK$ )
Hourly $16

First 3 days: $3151

Each day thereafter: $1252

Payment Method3
  • Octopus
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • UnionPay
  • Cash

All airport car parks have been converted to automated parking. Car park users are required to use your Octopus Card, Visa, MasterCard or UnionPay Card to enter the car parks and settle payment at the exits. Parking tickets will not be issued upon entry. If a receipt is required, please print it at the exits.

If the transaction amount is HK$1,000 or less, simply swipe your card at the exit barrier. Otherwise, please settle the payment at the Customer Service Centre.

All rates in Hong Kong dollars.

A flat rate of HK$315 is charged for the first 3 days. Parking fee for one day is charged on a rolling 24-hour basis.
HK$125 per day is charged for the fourth day onwards, in any 24-hour period, parking is charged at the hourly rate or the daily rate, whichever is less.
Please settle the payment by Octopus Card, Visa/MasterCard/UnionPay Card or cash at Customer Service Centre located at car park exit.

LGV Loading / Unloading Area

All Light Goods Vehicles (LGV) picking up or setting down goods must use the new LGV Loading / Unloading area next to Car Park 1 (see map). For enquiries, please call +852 2183 4360.

  Loading Area (HK$) Unloading Area (HK$)
First 30 Minutes $40 $40
Next 30 Minutes $60 $60
Each Subsequent 30 Minutes $80 $80
Automated Payment

General Information

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Learn more about parking at the airport.

  • Complimentary Parking

    Car Park 1 and 4 provide 30-minute complimentary parking to meeters and greeters once within any 24-hour period. Full fees will be charged for vehicles parking over 30 minutes from the time of entry to Car Park 1 or Car Park 4.

  • Complimentary Jump Start Service

    We provide complimentary jump starts around the clock for car park vehicles. Please contact our staff at Customer Service Counters for assistance if necessary.

  • Special Needs Parking

    Special parking spaces are reserved in Car Park 1 and 4 for vehicles with a valid "Disabled Person's Parking Permit" or "Parking Certificate for Drivers Who Carry People with Mobility Disabilities".

  • Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging

    Charging Stations are available at Car Park 4. 

    Type of Charging Station

    Charging Service Fee

    Overstay Charge

    Quick Charging Stations 

    HK $3/ kWh

    Vehicle Impound (HK $320)

    Semi-quick Charging Stations 

    HK $2/ kWh

    HK $1/ per minute (Calculated after the 30-minute grace period)*

    * For the avoidance of doubt, the charging cable remains connected to the charging station within the 30-min grace period after the charging time limit has elapsed, the system will automatically charge a overstay fee.  User is required to settle before leaving. 


Car Parks:
+852 2183 4360
Hong Kong International Airport:
+852 2181 8888