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Waste Management


The AA is committed to managing waste effectively and promoting circularity across our operations.

Waste management is a key environmental concern in Hong Kong and the Government’s Waste Blueprint for 2035 promotes the adoption of circular economy principles including reducing the reliance on landfilling for waste disposal. The Airport Authority (AA) fully supports key circular economy principles of efficient resource use and waste minimisation and an important focus for our operation is the separation of marketable recyclables at source from our waste streams as well as minimising waste to landfill.

The AA has set a target “to increase AA’s recyclables recovery rate by 25%, compared to a 2018 baseline”. Our target recognises that half of the waste handled by AA’s waste collection system has no recycling value and so our efforts focus specifically on those waste materials that have a market value to the recycling industry.

Our Story

Food Waste Recycling

Food Waste Recycling and Surplus Food Rescue

Food waste accounts for well over 20% of the waste handled by our waste management contractor. As food waste can readily be treated to generate bio-gas or to generate energy, separating food waste and surplus food at source is a key focus area for our waste management efforts and our collaborative initiatives include:

Segregation and collection of food waste

The AA launched the food waste recycling programme in 2003. Through the programme, the AA provides free recycling bags to terminal building tenants for separate collection of food waste generated from their daily operations and funds the collection and delivery of food waste from over 15 airport business partners.

The food waste collected from our buildings and from business partners is then sent to the O · PARK1 for further processing, generating renewable energy and the residues from the process can be produced as compost. In 2022, around 300 tonnes of food waste was collected from the airport community for recycling.

HKIA Food Rescue Programme

The AA started the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) Food Rescue Programme in partnership with a local NGO, Food Angel, in 2013 collecting surplus food from restaurants and caterers at HKIA. Over the years, this programme has expanded to cover several major airport business partners and tenants. The surplus food collected is transformed into hot meal boxes for distribution to the needy. Further details of the AA’s waste performance in 2022 are available in the latest Sustainability Report.

Food transmarting technology

The AA commenced a trial of the Food TranSmarter system in the HKIA Community Building in March 2023. The Food TranSmarter is a food waste pre-treatment solution that converts food waste into slurry for delivery to Government facilities for biogas production and electricity generation. The equipment processes both pre- and post-consumption food waste from the staff canteen. Upon the success of the trial, the Food TranSmarter solution may be applied to other food and beverage areas, including food courts and staff canteens in the airport terminal.

Driving waste reduction inside terminal buildings

The AA is offering a variety of new and revamped facilities at HKIA to encourage waste reduction and recycling efforts in passenger areas. In an effort to reduce the use of single-use plastic water bottles at HKIA, more than 100 drinking water fountains are available across the passenger terminal buildings; and over 20 hot drinking water facilities have also been installed in these buildings.

Moreover, in early 2022 over 500 additional hand dryers have been installed in HKIA toilets under an ongoing toilet revamp programme intended to help reduce the use of paper towels. The upgraded toilets feature modernised designs with "one-stop" hand-washing and hand dryers within each basin unit to reduce the use of paper towels.

Municipal Solid Waste Charging

Municipal Solid Waste Charging

The Government will implement Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Charging on 1 August 2024. The MSW charge will be levied based on the quantity of MSW disposed with the aim to drive behavioural change and promote waste reduction and recycling. The planned introduction of MSW Charging in Hong Kong will provide a clear incentive to drive further waste reduction and recycling efforts among our tenants.

Prior to the Government's launch of the MSW Charging, the AA has commenced a pilot to familiarise waste producers with the new waste handling logistics.

Quick Facts


In 2003, the AA launched the food waste recycling programme


The HKIA Food Rescue Programme commenced in 2013 to collect surplus food from restaurants and caterers at HKIA


Conducted the MSW charging pilot


New waste target set aiming to increase AA’s recyclables recovery rate by 25%, compared to 2018 baseline

2022 - 2023

Prepare the airport community for the launch of the Government’s MSW Charging Scheme at HKIA

Planning for waste management facilities to support enhanced recycling

Trial of Food TranSmarter technology

2023 - 2024

Launch MSW charging arrangements in our facilities to comply with Government’s MSW Charging Scheme at HKIA

Planning for waste management facilities

Awards & Recognition

Commendation Scheme on Source Separation of Commercial and Industrial Waste 2020/21 — Sliver Award
Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification — Wastewi$e Certificate (Excellence Level)
ACI Asia-Pacific Green Airports Recognition 2018 — Platinum
ACI Asia-Pacific Green Airports Recognition 2023 - Gold award (Over 35 million passengers per annum category on Accelerating the reduction of single-use plastics project at HKIA)