Privacy Policy
Pledge Statement
General TermsShow AllHide All
  • What is personal data?

    Throughout this Privacy Policy, the term "personal data" means any data relating directly or indirectly to you, from which it is practicable for your identity to be directly or indirectly ascertained, and in a form in which access to or processing of the data is practicable.

  • What are the key purposes for use of your personal data?

    We use your personal data to provide you with airport and related facilities, amenities, services and deliverables and perform our other airport-related activities.

  • To whom may we transfer your personal data generally?

    This section “To whom may we transfer your personal data generally?” of General Terms is not applicable to the service of “Flight Token”.

    Your personal data will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to any third party except as set out in this Privacy Policy or such disclosure as permitted or required under the applicable laws or as allowed under the PDPO.

    We may engage third party service providers including third party system maintenance service providers (who may be located outside Hong Kong) who are acting for, on behalf of or jointly with us, to achieve the purposes for each of the specific services, and in this connection we will provide your personal data to such service providers provided that they shall use and handle your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Please refer to the Specific Terms for individual services which may have additional information.

    In general, we may transfer your personal data with the following classes of transferees:

    (a) Any person or company (including third party agent or sub-contractor) who is acting for, on behalf of or jointly with us, or any of our service providers including third party system maintenance service providers; in all such cases, disclosure may take place to fulfil any of the purposes, provided that such third parties to whom your personal data is communicated are subject to confidentiality and privacy obligations that are materially equivalent to those set out in this Privacy Policy;
    (b) Any financial institutions, charge or credit card issuing companies, credit information or reference bureaus, or collection agencies where necessary to establish and support the payment of any products and services being requested by you; and
    (c) Any other third party where such disclosure is mandated by statutory or contractual obligations or as required by law or court of law, or where such disclosure is necessary to protect our interests (as permitted by law).

  • How long do we retain your personal data?

    We will not retain your personal data, including any tokenised personal data, for a period longer than it is necessary for us to achieve the purposes for each service set out in this Privacy Policy, including to prepare statistics and conduct analytics and research for the continuous improvement of our operation of as well as our facilities and services. Due to the different purposes for which we collect and use the personal data, we may apply different retention periods for the personal data we hold. Please refer to the Specific Terms for individual services which may have additional information.

    Notwithstanding the aforesaid, if any personal data is required as specified under applicable laws or in connection with any legal proceedings to be kept for a period of time which may be longer than is expressly provided in this Privacy Policy, the same will be retained but we will take all practical steps to ensure that such data will not be kept longer than is necessary for the fulfilment of such purposes.

  • What data security measures have we put in place to protect your data?

    We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed.

    We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so.

  • What if you provide third party personal data to us?

    When you provide personal data of a third party to us, you agree that you have secured the relevant third party’s consent to provide us with their personal data (to be collected, used and stored in accordance with this Privacy Policy) prior to such provision by you.

  • What about personal data collected by third parties?

    Where applicable, we may feature embedded links, "share" buttons or widgets on our websites or app(s) which enable you to connect to third party sites, including social media sites. These third-party sites may set cookies which can identify you as an individual when you are logged in to their services. We do not control these cookies or how these sites collect and handle your personal data.

    If the services you use require payment of money, you will be redirected to a secure third-party website belonging to our payment gateway service provider to complete payment of any purchase. Payment-related personal data (including but not limited to the cardholder’s full name, card number prefix, cardholder’s billing address, card verification value (CVV) and card expiry date) will be collected by the payment gateway service provider for processing your order's payment as well as other incidental purposes. We will not be able to provide the services to you if you do not provide the data.

    When you visit Hong Kong International Airport ("HKIA"), certain third parties within HKIA which are unrelated to us may also collect and use your personal data when you use their services or where they are authorised by law to do so. This includes (but is not limited to) third party airline companies, the Immigration Department of the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("HKSAR") and other third-party service providers within HKIA. The collection and use of your personal data by such third parties are subject to the privacy policies and terms and conditions of such third parties. We do not control such collection and use of your personal data by such third parties and we will not be responsible for the same.

  • What are your rights?

    You have the right to access, verify or update any of your personal data that we hold. An access request form can be downloaded from the website of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong.

    You may also request the Authority to correct the personal data that you have accessed if such data is inaccurate. We will handle your request as soon as possible.

    Please note that under PDPO, the Authority has the right to charge a reasonable fee for complying with a data access request. Data access and correction requests can be addressed to our General Personal Data Officer (see "How can you contact us" section below).

  • How can you contact us?

    If you wish to contact us regarding this Privacy Policy (including in relation to any of your rights under this Privacy Policy or any other questions you may have), please contact our General Personal Data Officer via the below address:

    General Personal Data Officer
    Airport Authority Hong Kong
    HKIA Tower
    1 Sky Plaza Road
    Hong Kong International Airport
    Lantau Island
    Hong Kong

  • What if you are a minor?

    We do not use our website(s) or app(s) or service(s) to knowingly solicit any personal data or other information from any persons under the age of 18. If you are under 18, by providing us with your personal data, you agree that you have informed your parents and guardians about the Privacy Policy prior to such provision, and they have approved of such provision by you based on the terms of the Privacy Policy.

  • Use of Cookies

    When you browse this website (or application), cookies will be stored in your computer or device's hard drive. Such cookies can be retrieved by this website (or application) to show the state of your web browser's previous visits to this website (or application). We will not collect any personal data from you under this circumstance. You have a choice not to accept the cookies, but if you do so, certain functionality of this website (or application) may not be available.

  • How is this Privacy Policy updated and where can you find it?

    We regularly review this Privacy Policy, and the most up-to-date version of this Privacy Policy will be shown on this page.

  • Which language of this Privacy Policy prevails?

    Where terms of this Privacy Policy are available in other languages, the English version shall be the governing version and shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy amongst versions.

  • Have you checked our specific terms for the service(s) you are interested in?

    We are proud to provide a variety of services for our visitors. As each service is unique, we have included privacy policy terms which are specific to the service you are interested in.

    Please click on the Specific Terms for each service below.

Loyalty Programme, Shopping & Dining ServicesShow AllHide All
  • What personal data do we collect?

    Unless otherwise specifically stated, defined terms used in this Specific Terms shall have the same meanings as given in the Terms and Conditions of HKairport Rewards – HKIA Loyalty Programme.

    For the purpose of this Specific Terms, “Services” means any services (including but not limited to placing orders or subscribing to any news or update services) offered on and/or in connection with the HKairport Rewards or other HKIA online platforms (including, Hong Kong International Airport Food Ordering System, and such other customer-facing online platforms of HKIA).

    Registration of the Account
    When you register for a HKairport Rewards account (“Account”), we will collect your following personal data:

    (a) Title (compulsory);
    (b) First name (compulsory);
    (c) Last name (compulsory);
    (d) Mobile phone number (compulsory);
    (e) Email address (compulsory);
    (f) Month and year of birth (optional);
    (g) Country or region (optional);
    (h) Company name (for airport staff only – optional);
    (i) Expiry date of your Airport Restricted Area Permit (“ARA Permit”) or Crew Member Certificate (“CMC”) (for airport staff only – optional);
    (j) ARA Permit or CMC number (for airport staff only – optional);
    (k) Referrer (optional); and
    (l) Associated member (optional).
    If you wish to make purchase/reservation at and receive any order-related notifications, we will collect your following personal data from you:

    (a) Title (compulsory);
    (b) First name (compulsory);
    (c) Last name (compulsory);
    (d) Mobile phone number (compulsory);
    (e) Email address (compulsory);
    (f) Passenger type (arriving, departing, transfer or non-traveller) (compulsory);
    (g) Billing address of your credit card (compulsory);
    (h) Shipping address (compulsory if you choose to use any delivery service);
    (i) Your name as stated on your Hong Kong identity card or your travel document (compulsory if you choose to use delivery service under Luxury Concierge or purchase duty free hard liquor products);
    (j) Flight information (compulsory for travellers only);
    (k) Transaction data relating to any purchase (including merchant name, purchase date and time, product details, sales amount, payment method, any discounts or e-Coupon applied) (“Transaction data”) (compulsory); and
    (l) An image or copy of the relevant boarding pass (including full name, flight information, class of seat etc.) (compulsory if you purchase traveller-only products and choose local delivery service as your method of collection).

    Food Ordering System
    If you wish to place an order on Food Ordering System and receive any order-related notifications, we will collect the following personal data from you (if the same have not already been provided during the registration of the Account):

    (a) Title (compulsory);
    (b) Name (compulsory);
    (c) Mobile phone number (compulsory);
    (d) Email address (compulsory); and
    (e) Transaction data (compulsory).

    Redemption of Rewards
    If you wish to obtain Reward Points or other rewards, in addition to the personal data specified in “Registration of the Account” section above, we will also collect the following information:

    (a) Sales receipts containing, among others, the merchant name, shop address, purchase date and time, invoice number, sales item, sales amount and payment method (compulsory);
    (b) Electronic payment slip/mobile payment record of the relevant transaction (compulsory);
    (c) Credit card(s) used in the relevant transaction (compulsory); and
    (d) Reward code (optional).

    Live Chat
    When you use the “Live Chat” service on any of our online platform, we will collect the following personal data:

    (a) Title;
    (b) First name;
    (c) Last name;
    (d) Mobile phone number;
    (e) Email address;
    (f) Passenger type (arriving, departing, transfer or non-traveller);
    (g) Shipping address (if you choose to use any delivery service);
    (h) Your name as stated on your Hong Kong identity card or your travel document (if you choose to use delivery service under Luxury Concierge or purchase duty free hard liquor products); and
    (i) Flight information (for travellers only).

    We will record and retain a transcript of all communication with you via Live Chat, which will be handled as personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

    In respect of each of the above types of personal data, it is only compulsory to provide it if that type of personal data is necessary for us to handle, process and/or respond to your enquiry.

    Other personal information is not actively sought, but may be submitted by you when you interact with our Live Chat service. It is our policy to limit the information collected to only the minimum information required to complete a user’s request. We request that you do not provide personal information not requested by us through this service. If you do provide any such personal or sensitive information for any reason, we accept your explicit consent to use that information in the ways described in this Privacy Policy or as described at the point where you choose to disclose this information.

    During your use of the Live Chat service, we may use any personal data that we collected from you via other service channels pursuant to this Privacy Policy or other applicable privacy policies to map with your personal data collected via Live Chat, to enable us to process and respond to any request or enquiry you may make via the Live Chat service.

    Use of Websites, Apps or Online Platforms
    When you use any of our website(s), app(s) or our other online platform(s), we will collect your personal data as follows:

    (a) We automatically collect data relating to your online session, to gather statistical information on our server’s usage and to help us better meet your demands and expectations. This may include but is not limited to your mobile device information, including information on:

    (i) Type of device;
    (ii) Type and version of your browser;
    (iii) Type and version of your operating system;
    (iv) Your IP address; and
    (v) Domain name.

    Such information collected is anonymous aggregated research data, and contains no information that will enable us to ascertain your identity.

    If you wish to subscribe to any news or update services about our promotions, special offers and other updates at any of our platforms including website(s) or app(s), we will collect the following personal data from you either:

    (i) Email address; or
    (ii) Mobile phone number.

    (b) We use a unique identifier to track your use of our website(s) or app(s) across multiple devices so that your sessions are reported on our system as a single user rather than as multiple users.
    (c) We use analytics tools to measure how you interact with content on our website(s) and the app(s). If you log in to our website(s) or app(s) via your social media accounts, we will collect information you have consented to give us via the relevant social media site and link your interaction with us to such information. Where you have consented to direct marketing, we may also engage social media sites to show you advertisements that are customised based on your interaction with us.
    (d) We may collect your physical location data through your Wi-Fi enabled mobile device. We use these data to determine customer population and to help us study your activity patterns and preferences in order to improve our Service. We may use your location data to provide you with personalised location-based services and content. Where you have consented to receive direct marketing, we may provide you with targeted advertisements, content, features, deals and offers based on your location. You may disconnect from our free Wi-Fi service if you do not wish us to collect your physical location data, in which case, we will not provide you with personalised services and contents.
    (e) If you are browsing our website(s) (whether as a guest or as a Member), it (they) may place a cookie on your computer that identifies your computer to us and allows us to personalise your preferences. Cookies are small information files stored on your hard drive and are automatically accepted by most browsers. It does not allow us to access the rest of your computer or your personal data. Please change your browser’s settings if you do not wish to accept cookies. Please note that you may not be able to use all features and services offered on our website(s) or app(s) if your browser does not accept cookies.

    Other Personal Data
    You may from time to time voluntarily provide us with other personal data when you place an order for Services via the Account, use our Services as a guest, provide feedback to us (such as via a survey) or participate in our promotion and events.

  • What are the purposes for which your personal data may be used?

    We, and our contractors who are involved in the provision of Services, will use the personal data you provide to us for the following purposes (and any purposes directly related to these purposes) (collectively, the “Purposes”):

    (a) To provide Services to you (including assessing any application for, administration and improvement of and communication in connection with such services) as well as to administer and manage such other associated privileges such as participating in our special promotion campaigns; verifying your eligibility to purchase traveller-only products that you purchase and choose to collect by using our local delivery service; and (if applicable) verifying your eligibility to enjoy offers and discounts available only to airport staff;
    (b) (For Account registration, Membership entitlements and redemption of Reward Points or other rewards): To verify your eligibility to register an Account, redeem the Reward Points or other reward in accordance with the terms of our promotion campaigns or programmes;
    (c) To analyse trends, usage, foot traffic, activity patterns, preferences, demographics and traveller behaviour with us (whether on an individualised or aggregated basis) or to carry surveys, for the purpose of improving your experience at HKIA, including through combining other personal data which you provide to us with the personal data you provide to us through your use of our Services;
    (d) To contact you for and/or carry out direct marketing activities (including sending you newsletters containing promotional offers and updates if you have subscribed to them) in connection with the shopping, dining, entertainment and service promotions at HKIA, including without limitation providing you with targeted and/or location-based advertisements, content, features, deals and offers; and
    (e) For continuous improvement of passenger experience at HKIA, such as shopping experience.

    In order for us to carry out any direct marketing activities in connection with the shopping, dining, entertainment and service promotions at HKIA (i.e. the activities as described under “What are the purposes for which your personal data may be used?” above), we will seek your consent (as necessary) at the time when we collect your relevant personal data.

  • Do you have to provide the personal data?

    It is voluntary for you to use HKairport Rewards,, Food Ordering and Live Chat services and provide the personal data as described above.

    If you do not provide the personal data as required or designated as compulsory, this means that you may not be able to register for the Account and/or use the Services, and your personal data will not be collected or retained by the Authority. If you do not provide your personal data specified as optional, you may not be able to enjoy specific offers for which you may be eligible (including but not limited to offers or discounts available to airport staff, holder of reward code or those with an upcoming birthday).

  • Do we use personal data for marketing our services?

    We may use your personal data for direct marketing purposes, but we will not do so unless we have separately obtained your express consent.

    With your consent at the time we collect your personal data, we may use your personal profile information and contact details, airport staff information (if applicable), flight information, transaction data, shipping address, name of referrer or associated member, sales receipts information, information collected via social media site and physical location data for carrying out direct marketing activities, by contacting you via your email and/or phone number registered under the Account to promote shopping, dining, entertainment and service at HKIA, including without limitation providing you with targeted and/or location-based advertisements, content, features, deals and offers.

    You may withdraw your consent to receive direct marketing materials including newsletters from us through customer services hotline or online enquiry form in the “Contact Us” section of our website (Contact Us | HKairport Rewards), or such other channels as we may announce from time to time at no cost to you.

    Please note that if you choose to withdraw your consent to receive marketing communications, we will still send you communications about your Account or any other services we provide to you. As a registered Account holder, you will continue to receive administrative e-mails, sms, phone calls, account summaries and updates to our Services.

  • How long do we retain your personal data for the Services?

    Our general data retention policy is set out under “How long do we retain your personal data?” section of the General Terms.

    We will only retain any personal data which we can use to directly identify you for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the Purposes, and we will delete the same after a reasonable period for verification and audit purposes.

    In the event that you choose to delete your Account with us, we will delete such personal data as soon as reasonably practicable after we receive such notification from you.

  • Addendum for Mainland China

    This Addendum to the Specific Terms for Loyalty Programme, Shopping & Dining Services applies to you if you are an individual in mainland China. The terms set out in this Addendum are in addition to the terms set out in the Specific Terms for Loyalty Programme, Shopping & Dining Services, the General Terms and Pledge Statement (collectively the “Service Privacy Policy”) and therefore form an integral part of the Service Privacy Policy. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the Service Privacy Policy and the terms of this Addendum, this Addendum shall govern and prevail.

    Your rights
    Apart from the rights specified in the Service Privacy Policy, you are conferred by the applicable data protection laws and regulations in mainland China with additional data subject rights as follows.

    (a) Right to deletion. You have the right to request us to delete your personal data. However, this will need to be balanced against other factors such as statutory data retention.
    (b) Right to restriction of processing. You have the right to request us to restrict processing your personal data. Please note that we may not be able to provide the Services if you do not allow us to process necessary personal data.
    (c) Right to data portability. You have the right to request us to transfer your personal data that you have provided to us to a third party of your choice. This right can only be exercised in certain circumstances where applicable.
    (d) Rights relating to automated decision-making. You have the right not to be subjected to automated decision-making including profiling.
    (e) Right to withdraw consent. We may ask for your consent to process your personal data where consent is necessary to be adopted as the lawful basis for processing personal data. Where this is the case, you have the right to withdraw your consent.

    If you want to exercise any of these rights, you can contact us using the contact details provided in “Contact Us” section below.

    We will respond to your requests of exercising your data subject rights in accordance with the applicable data protection laws and regulations in mainland China. To the extent as permitted by laws and regulations, we may not be able to respond to your request of exercising your rights in the following circumstances:

    (a) If your request is contrary to our obligations under laws and regulations;
    (b) If the requested data is directly related to national security or national defence security;
    (c) If the requested data is directly related to public safety, public health, or significant public interest;
    (d) If the requested data is directly related to criminal investigations, prosecutions, trials and enforcement of judgments, etc.;
    (e) If we have sufficient evidence of your subjective malice or abuse of rights;
    (f) If it is in the interest of safeguarding your or other individuals’ significant legitimate rights and interests, such as life and property, but it is difficult to obtain your authorisation or consent;
    (g) If responding to your request to exercise your rights would result in serious harm to your or other individuals’ or organisations’ legitimate interests;
    (h) If the requested data involves trade secrets.

    Contact us
    Personal Data Handler: Airport Authority Hong Kong
    Address: HKIA Tower, 1 Sky Plaza Road, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Island, Hong Kong
    Contact person: General Personal Data Officer